Without rounding the ends. University of Barcelona
The figure of the production hardly exists as a mediating agent in an unstructured system of art. And yet, paradoxically, the word production is taking a leading role in art, but not always in the intangible sense consonni claimed, and rarely as praxis and reflection to the same time. During the workshop, we undressed the work processes involving the immaterial production, understood as a process of communication. Communication in the work team, with the artists, with society, with institutions, with the local context, with the art world, or even conscious isolation and silence...
Taking as guiding these processes, we show some concrete projects that exemplify what we speak: from Exercises in the north side, developed with Ibon Aramberri, Stay inside and close the windows, with Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum, Little Frank and his carp of Andrea Frasser, all produced by consonni.