Bandera verde, Radio Euskadi, 27 de julio de 2013
Entrevista a Elssie Ansareo en torno a la publicación El observatorio, exactamente en el fragmento 2h y 56 minutos.
Notodo, 17 de julio de 2013
El Observatorio es un libro tan perturbador como atrapante, que nos convierte en espectadores morbosos de una interpretación artística más experiencial que contemplativa y que gira en torno a las catástrofes del cuerpo humano y el dolor.
Vanity Fair, junio del 2013
(...) La artista hispano-mexicana Elssie Ansareo recoge el guante para mostrar en sus fotografías que, en un momento dado, todos podemos alterarnos, por mucho que ese estado se atribuye únicamente a las mujeres en el represivo siglo XIX (...)
Periódico Bilbao, junio del 2013
Además de la exposición, el proyecto se condensa en un libro de artista, editado por consonni.
El observatorio
The observatory is an artist’s book, a limited edition of 350 copies that forms part of the Beste collection following the editorial line of the producer of art projects consonni.
The book is the result of a research on hysteria. The publication is comprised of two parts, the first of which collects a set of terms associated with hysteria, by way of a glossary, that emerged from conversations between the artist, and psychologist Imanol Amayra, Director of the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatments and Research Team Director of Neuromuscular Diseases and Neurodevelopment in the Faculty of Psychology and Education at the University of Deusto. The second part shows the photographic result of the archive.
This book has been selected as one of the 20 Best Non Fiction Book in 2013 by Notodo. And its designer, Borja Iribarnegaray with this work, has been selected one of the 15 best graphic designers of the Basque Country in 2013.
Born in Mexico D.F. in 1979, Elssie Ansareo graduated in Fine Arts from the University of the Basque Country where she also attended PhD Courses in Technological Image.
Elssie has shown individually at the Espacio Marzana (Bilbao), Cubo Azul (Leon) and Sala Bastero (Andoain), and has taken part in several collective shows at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Gabarron Foundation in New York, La Casa Encendida in Madrid, the Contemporary Art Centre in Malaga and ARTIUM in Vitoria.
The Mexican artist has received important scholarships for her training including one granted by Endesa for Plastic Arts, and she has obtained an award at the First International Biennial of Contemporary Art in Almeria and the INJUVE Prize for Plastic Arts. Her work is to be found in a number of collections, at Pamplona City Hall, Artium Museum - Vitoria, Guggenheim Bilbao, the Museum of Teruel, Endesa Foundation, Bilboarte Foundation, Unicaja Foundation and the Mediterranean Art Centre (MECA).