

30 - 31/10/2014 - 10:00h a 21:00h. Arts Santa Mònica, Rambla, 7 08002 Barcelona
consonni participa en TRANS-locaciones, una propuesta de Idensitat y Arts Santa Mónica. Desde la práctica artística y la reflexión teórica, hace referencia a las formas de movilidad, de tráfico de personas y su incidencia en el territorio local. Un conjunto de actividades de investigación, producción y exhibición que se llevaran a cabo entre 2014 y 2015. El viernes 31 de octubre de 2014, María Mur Dean (consonni) compartirá mesa con Josep Bohigas y Fulya Erdemci.

HPC @MR_S01 Cmon, baby...

16/10/2014 - 19:00h a 21:00h. consonni (C/ Conde Mirasol 13, Bilbao)
Session 1. What does Ipsilamba mean for you? Public reading of the first stories received .
Round table

Comunicación en el Tercer Sector

. Bolunta Calle Ronda s/n (frente al no 5) 2a planta, 48005 Bilbao
Participación de consonni en una mesa de experiencias junto con los diseñadores y especialistas en comunicación de La Machine

HPC@FJL_S02. Ultramarino

04/10/2014 - 15:15h a 20:00h. Punto de encuentro y de partida. consonni (C/ Conde Mirasol 13, Bilbao)
Session.2 We shall set to sea in search of whales with Fermín Jiménez Landa and Enrique Franco (AMBAR). Saturday 20 July. from 15.15 to 20.00. Point of encounter in consonni (C/ Conde Mirasol 13, Bilbao).

con_textos@Susi Bilbao_quereres, poderes, haceres

22 - 23/07/2014 - 10:00h a 20:30h. consonni (Conde Mirasol, 13)
Practical workshop with Susi Bilbao aimed at artists, professionals in graphic design, edition, layout and publication, as well as students of design, fine arts and other disciplines. Activity devised to satisfy the need for understanding and collaboration between artists and designers. Based on this premise and experience in the field, the workshop sets out to focus, in a practical way, on all the common foreseeable steps in art publication in order to turn them into design tools: concept and form.
Book presentation

Walter Benjamin productivista

01 - 10/07/2014 - 19:30h a 19:30h. Synusia (Terrassa), La Caníbal y La Ciutat Invisible (Barcelona)
En el mes de julio tendrán lugar tres presentaciones en Barcelona y Terrassa de la publicación Walter Benjamin, productivista de Marcelo Expósito, editorial consonni. Synusia - Terrassa - Martes 01 de julio a las 19:30 La caníbal - Barcelona - Lunes 07 de julio a las 19:30 La Ciutat Invisible - Barcelona - Jueves el 10 de julio a las 19:30

INPUT art magazine

. consonni (Conde Mirasol 13, Bilbao)
Presentation of the first issue of INPUT art magazine, with Jone Alaitz Uriarte and María Platero. A publication around contemporary culture focussing on art. The word input means an entry containing data, information; a contribution of energy. Feeding contemporary culture, like an electric current.
Round table


. consonni (C/ Conde Mirasol 13-LJ1D, Bilbao)
The Político-Poético collective organizes a public round table in consonni with guests Iskandar Rementería and Beñat Romera , and the prior projection of the film Je vous salue, Sarajevo ' by Jean Luc-Godard . On the occasion of the third showing of the ‘Político-Poético’ project in the Museum of Art and History in Durango. Round table
Book presentation

Kepa Garraza

. Bilbao Arte (C/Urazurrutia, 32, Bilbao) Taller, en segunda planta
This first presentation of the book will feature artist Kepa Garraza and different appreciations and contributions regarding this work. 5 takes. 5 images. 5 minutes.

HPC @FJL_S01 Ultramarino

. en consonni (C/ Conde Mirasol 13, Bilbao)
Session.1 With the participation of Jon Maia and Mariachi Azteca de Flor Fernández . Jon Maia, director of the documentary Apaizac Obeto Dokumentala will tell us of the adventure on board the replica of the oldest whaling boat or 'txalupa ', Beothuk.
Book exhibition

Libros Mutantes

25 - 27/04/2014 - 17:00h a 21:30h. La Casa Encendida, Madrid
In this edition of Libros Mutantes 14, consonni will participate with all the publications . We will be with a small table , which will be announced later the exact location ... visits