
ElectroClass in CineEuropa

. Santiago de Compostela
In the film festival Cine Europa de Santiago de Compostela , in the space 'Panorama Audiovisual Galego'. Presneted by the artist María Ruido
Book presentation

Presentation of SOFT POWER

23/11/2012 - 18:00h a 20:00h. Medialab-Prado, en Intermediae Matadero, Madrid
After staying in Barcelona presenting the book SOFT POWER of María Ptqk, we move now to Madrid, more specifically to Medialab -Prado . The event, is on Friday 23, at 6pm, in Intermediae Matadero.
Book presentation

Presentation of SOFT POWER

16/11/2012 - 19:30h a 21:00h. Escalera de Incendios, Barcelona  
Earlier this year we published the book SOFT POWER, by María Ptqk. But it is now when we are going to present it in public. It will be in 4 different places, with excellent accomplices; First one will be in Barcelona, Escalera de Incendios creative pace, with the project Grid Spinoza , 16th of November at 7.30pm. Next cities Madrid, Berlín, Bilbao and Donostia.

Proyección ElectroClass

. Museo Reina Sofía
Dentro del ciclo 'Nuevas formas del documental en España. Urgencias de la contemporaneidad ' se proyectará ElectroClass de María Ruido producida por consonni. Presentación a cargo de María Mur (consonni).

Simposio internacional de arte público

08 - 09/10/2012 - 10:00h a 19:45h. Donabate, Dublin
Simposio internacional en Arte Público presentado por Fingal County Council The Waterside House Hotel, Donabate, Fingal County Dublin
Discussion day

(non) production

. Galerie Thomas Henry Ross en Galerie B-312, Montreal, Quebec  
A conversation about production in contemporary art between Marthe Carrier, d irector of B-312 (Montreal, Québec), Maria Mur Dean director of consonni (Bilbao, Spain) and Jean-Michel Ross director of Galerie Thomas Henry Ross art contemporain (Montréal, Québec).

ElectroClass en FID Marsella

04 - 09/07/2012 - 18:00h a 18:00h. Festival Internacional de Cinema FID Marsella
Dentro del Festival de Cine Internacional FID Marsella en el ciclo 'Les fils du Pouvoir' (The strings of power), fuera de competición, se proyectará ElectroClass de María Ruido producida por consonni. Presentación a cargo de María Ruido.

ElectroClass and work, work, work

28 - 30/06/2012 - 18:00h a 12:00h. Iaspis, Estocolmo
For the final public event at Iaspis before the summer, we invite you to join us for a screening of the film ElectroClass by Maria Ruido and the release of the anthology Work, Work, Work: A Reader on Art and Labour. The film and the anthology both spring from discussions on changed labour conditions, in society at large as well as within the field of visual art, and enquire into how these changes can be described artistically as well as how they relate to social protest and the re-organization of cities in relation to new conditions
Discussion day

consonni in IASPIS

. IASPIS, Estocolmo, Suecia    
consonni wants to use the great opportunity of being in residency at Iaspis by using the studio as a mobile office to generate a meeting point to talk about how consonni works. To talk about its projects and those currently underway, such as ENPAP ( European Network for Public Art Producers ) and a research project about the concept of production: “ Bird and ornithologist at the same time ”.

Screening of ElectroClass film

02/06/2012 - 20:30h a 22:00h. MACBA, Barcelona
Screening of ElectroClass by María Ruido, followed by a conversation between María Ruido, María Mur (Consonni) and Yaiza Hernández Velázquez (MACBA) @MACBA. As part of the program of Loop Festival
Discussion day

bird and ornhitologist at the same time

02/06/2012 - 12:30h a 14:00h. SCREEN FORUM Pro / Feria Loop, Barcelona  
María Mur Dean (consonni) moderates a panel discussion on contemporary art and production: “Bird and ornhitologist at the same time”. With the participation of Cabello / Carceller, Tere Badia (Hangar), Carles Guerra (MACBA) and Juan Jose Martin Andres & Alba b Boïls Braza (Otro Espacio / Sin Espacio).
Book presentation

Martí Manen, Salir de la exposición...

25/05/2012 - 20:00h a 22:00h. Librería múltiplos, Barcelona
En la cuidad de origen del autor presentamos la publicación Salir de la exposición (si es que alguna vez habíamos entrado). Una señalada fecha para la línea editorial consonni ya que además de esta manera quedará inaugurada la colección Paper. La presentación correrá a cargo del autor Martí Manen y la responsable editorial de consonni Nerea Ayerbe.