consonni wishes to gather support from people close to its objectives and projects and, like all associations, seeks backing from collaborative patron associates (both individuals and legal entities) ready to ratify and give momentum to the achieving of its goals. We are talking about all the people and bodies out there who have given their collaboration to our projects or who have kept tabs on us or simply feel consonni should keep going. Being a member involves no obligations, it is just an expression of support for consonni that we need in order to be able to socialise our activities and discover and transmit the social backing we have. If you are interested in consonnism and in being a member, fill out the registration form and send it on to
Now that the Xmas bonus is coming up, if, in addition to being a member, you would like to make some kind of economic contribution, well, thanks very much, it will come in very handy. We remind you that being a patron of consonni carries a 30% deduction of VAT from the total amount donated and 100% in the case of Company Tax (the percentages vary depending on the country of origin). And this last stretch of the year is the time to draw up the tax balance for next year’s tax declaration.
Thank you very much for your contribution. Without the people who understand and believe in what we do we would not be able to continue with our immaterial production work, which seems so necessary to us for contemporary artistic practice, and we could not carry on being a nuisance, which is exactly what we are determined to continue doing, and then some. While we’re about it, and considering what time of year it is, how about raising a glass to celebrate one more year (and that’s not chicken feed). Let’s hope it’s a good one, eh?
Any enquiries or queries you may have, please contact: INFORMATION IN:
TO SUPPORT CONSONNI: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------