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The writer María Bastarós together with harriet c. brown introduce us to lumbung cosmologies through interviews and readings around the lumbung stories book. In this episode you can listen to the conversation between María Bastarós and Garazi Arrula Ruiz from the publishing house Txalaparta about the author Uxue Alberdi and the reading of the first 300 words of her story in its original language. We invite you to read along with the book in your hands in the language of your choice.
Garazi Arrula Ruiz editor of the Txalaparta publishing house.
Uxue Alberdi Estibaritz was born in Elgoibar, 1984. She writes short stories, novels, essays, historic literature, and children’s literature. She has received the Basque Literature Award on two occasions, once for her children’s book Besarkada (‘Hug’), and again for her essay Kontrako Eztarritik (‘Down the wrong chute’). Her most recent novel, Jenisjoplin, was awarded the 111 Akademia prize, and translated into Spanish and English. On top of being a writer Uxue is also a bertsolari. Bertsolaris improvise verses in Euskera and sing them following particular rules of rhyme and metrics. As a bertsolari woman, Uxue co-founded the Feminist Bertso Escola, a school dedicated to remark the role of women in the bertsolari tradition.
This podcast has been possible thanks to the support of Etxepare Euskal Institutua and Acción Cultural Española.